After the success of Silent Hill 2, Bloober will now self-publish the upcoming Project R

silent hill 2 Remastered developer Bloober Team has revealed that plans for its upcoming horror game have changed. Plan RA game based on the IP of The Walking Dead owner Skybound Entertainment was released last year, but Bloober said in a new statement that it will now publish and develop the game.
When you talk about high-stakes projects that could severely damage your reputation, Bloober Team’s Silent Hill 2 remake is one of the riskiest. It always attracts attention and sells well. But because Bloober has chosen to incorporate some innovations of its own rather than stick with a completely faithful remaster, there’s always the danger of ruining a game that many thought was perfect to begin with. However, it does exactly that, striking a fine balance between recreating iconic locations and moments from the original, adding a modern gameplay twist, and leaving its own mark on Silent Hill 2.
Now it’s developing its next big game, a new IP called Cronos: New Dawn, but it has a few other projects going on behind the scenes. One of them is Project R, a horror game based on a currently unconfirmed IP owned by Skybound Entertainment. Skybound is a media company that owns titles such as The Walking Dead and Invincible, and publishes games such as The Long Dark for consoles and the final installments of Telltale’s The Walking Dead series. Initially, Bloober was solely responsible for developing Project R, but in a new statement today, the Polish studio confirmed that it will now also self-publish the game through its Broken Mirror Games division.
Bloober Team president Piotr Babieno also said that Project R will be “a completely new type of game, different from the games Bloober Team is known for, which of course will be a horror game.”
It’s a very exciting prospect, and to me, The Walking Dead feels like the most likely IP to borrow from the Skybound horror games, and I could see Bloober doing it in a truly haunting way. way to deal with it. I may be digressing, but we should know exactly what Project R is about sometime in 2025, and as Bloober said in a statement, “marketing related to the game will begin next year.”
Given Bloober’s incredible work on Silent Hill 2, Project R and Cronos: The New Dawn are now undoubtedly my two most anticipated new PC games. However, while you wait for them to arrive, you can experience some great single-player gameplay right away.
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