Deep space simulator Nebula Fleet Command adds more ships in new update

Whether it’s the tactile feedback in Starfield and Outer Wilds or the far-reaching decisions in Stellaris and Homeworld, there’s nothing better than controlling a virtual starship. this is a thing Blurred: Fleet Command Totally understandable, as it has some of the most hardcore ship design and combat simulation I’ve ever seen. Huge space battles take center stage, and you’ll need to make even the smallest choices to achieve victory. On top of that, developer Eridanus Industries has just released the game’s biggest update yet.
In Nebula: Fleet Command, you will take complete control of a fleet of starships. This real-time and space strategy game demands a lot from you, requiring complex radar screens and dense subsystems at your disposal, but it’s a very rewarding experience.
You need full control over each unit. This means you decide on minute details such as ammunition storage, power sources, electronic warfare capabilities, and armaments. If you’re a fan of Homeworld or Stellaris, you’ll easily find a lot to love in Nebula: Fleet Command, and the latest update is the perfect excuse to give it a try.
According to Eridanus Industries, the Aircraft Carrier update is “the biggest update we’ve ever done” and adds a ton of new mechanics and features to the Space Fleet game. As the name suggests, the main new feature is aircraft carriers. These new ships are larger fleet aircraft carriers that can have huge cargo bank pylons to help them carry their own spacecraft.
You can also combine new ships with these aircraft carriers, as three new space frames for each faction have been added to the game—fighters, bombers, and reconnaissance aircraft. There are also shared utility dinghy designs that give you greater control over your growing fleet. “Each space frame has a unique set of weapons and capabilities that can be configured in the new Fleet Editor module,” Eridanus Industries writes. “They also have unique maneuvering characteristics that provide different advantages in different situations.”
It’s not just extra spaceships, though, as new customizable loadouts give you greater control over each spaceship. According to Eridanus Industries, this feature helps you “tailor them for different missions in combat,” as you can now configure each ship with a set of weapons and mods. These can be selected as needed during combat, which is great for helping you adapt on the fly.
You’ll also have an array of new weapons at your disposal as you come to defend your fleet. Eridanus Industries has added new rockets, unguided bombs, and numerous missile adjustments. The new submunition launcher warheads also replace existing rocket and mine containers, which will help you create “more complex and powerful submunition weapons than older prefabricated weapons.”
Finally, Eridanus Industries has overhauled the AI and added a new tutorial, which should be helpful to both new and experienced players. The AI opponent rewrite adds new tactics “from archer tanks to cruise missile attacks”, as well as complex knowledge of the map space and how to maneuver it. Two new tutorials will help you master operating a carrier, while a seventh mission has been added to the basic tutorial to guide you through skirmish combat.
Eridanus Industries has launched the aircraft carrier update for Nebula: Fleet Command for free on Steam. You can check out the game here.
If you’re looking for more content to add to your backlog, we’ve also got the best space games and the best RTS games you need to try on PC today.
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