It’s cold outside! Winter is coming, take these steps to protect your internet

This time of year, cold weather like snow, ice, rain, and even thick clouds can interfere with your work. Internet services. The likelihood of this happening depends on where you live and Network connection type You have.
satellite network Service interruptions are most likely to occur due to weather. Those with fixed wireless networks or 5G home internet You may also experience weather-related network issues with your connection.
cable, DSL and Optical fiber network Connections are much more reliable in the face of cold weather, but particularly severe storms could impact Internet in your area In your home.
Before an outage affects your parade, it’s important to know what to expect from your service ahead of the incoming severe weather and what precautions you can take to reduce the likelihood of problems.
Satellite networks are most vulnerable to severe weather
Perhaps not surprisingly, satellite internet users are most likely to experience service outages due to ice, snow, heavy rain and thick cloud cover.
Geostationary satellite signals, such as from hughsnett and Via Satellitethe trip to and from your home is quite long, about 22,000 miles. Any obstructions along the way, such as rain or thick clouds (and the accompanying water droplets that scatter the signal), can interrupt your service.
The dishes themselves can become trapped in ice and snow, which is less likely to cause problems than heavy rain or cloud cover, but it can still affect your service.
Can your network survive the next snow?
What to do if you encounter ice and snow
The rain and clouds will eventually pass, but in some areas, snow and ice may linger for days or weeks. A small amount of snow or a thin layer of ice might have little effect on your internet service, but a lot of snow of an inch or more (where I’m in the South, an inch does matter) can cause problems.
When snow or ice builds up on your satellite dish and affects your internet service, you may be able to clear it yourself – as long as you can do it safely. It’s not uncommon for satellite dishes to be mounted on roofs, deck railings, or other hard-to-reach places, making access and cleaning difficult and dangerous, especially in icy conditions. Do not try to clear snow or ice from a plate if you cannot safely access it.
If you can safely reach the plate, try clearing away the snow with your hands or a soft-bristled brush (such as a hand broom). Be gentle and try to avoid pushing or moving the dish, as doing so, even by a few centimeters, may displace the dish and degrade the connection quality or completely lose the signal. Avoid using anything that might scratch the surface, such as a windshield scraper, to avoid damaging the plate.
If ice build-up occurs, applying a little warm water usually solves the problem. For best results and to prevent moving the plate or damaging any internal components, use a spray bottle to spray a small amount of warm water until the ice disappears or internet service is restored. Likewise, you’ll want to avoid using anything that could damage or move the plate, such as an ice scraper.
Does a satellite dish heater or cover keep the satellite dish clean?
It is often said that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I don’t know if this is entirely true of satellite dish heaters and covers, but they are worth a try.
Starlink worked great until the cats figured out the dish gave off a little heat on a cold day.
— Aaron Taylor (@Tippen22) December 31, 2021
You’ll probably get the best results by using a dishwasher. The Starlink dish comes with a built-in heater, which makes the cold-weather kitten pictured above happy, but you can also buy one online at Hughesnet or Viasat for a few hundred dollars.
Keep in mind that they will also increase your energy bill, but most have thermometers and automatically activate when needed to prevent ice and snow from building up, which can help keep energy consumption low.
Satellite dish covers are a cheaper option but are generally less effective. You can find a dish cover online for under $50, but the results may be short-lived. Dish covers can trap dirt, dust, and pollen, creating a good surface for snow and ice, so even with a dish cover, you may still need to manually clean your dishes.
You just have to wait for the cloud cover and heavy rain to end
Installing rain covers to protect satellite dishes may seem like a simple solution to prevent temporary power outages, but unfortunately they are unlikely to help.
Because satellite signals have to travel many miles to reach your home, they can experience service outages anywhere along the way, not just near your antenna. That’s why you may experience weather-related network outages even if it’s not raining or cloudy above your home. This is why a rain cover will not help prevent connection issues. If anything, installing a solid surface over or around the dish may also block the signal, which could cause more service interruptions.
If there’s an internet outage due to rain or cloud cover, there’s not much you can do except wait for it to pass and service to be restored. It’s not all bad news, as satellite providers have made improvements in recent years to minimize the impact of bad weather on internet connections.
Design and technical improvements Husnet and ViasatThings like smaller, sleeker antennas and stronger network signals could help reduce satellite networks’ vulnerability to rain and cloud cover. You’ll also discover innovative satellite technology Starlinkwhich is characterized by Improved dish design Works with low-orbit satellite technology to help reduce weather-related power outages. That’s not to say satellite networks don’t experience weather-related service outages. They’re just not as common as they used to be.
Fixed wireless and 5G networks not entirely clear
Wireless internet services, such as fixed wireless internet and 5G home internet, are susceptible to many of the same service outages as satellite internet, but on a smaller scale.
With both services, network signals travel a much shorter distance, typically only 5 to 10 miles at most, so there’s less chance of encountering bad weather along the way. Additionally, the fixed wireless and cellular towers used for 5G are less than a few miles away from Earth, meaning heavy cloud coverage won’t impact service.
Heavy rain, on the other hand, can be a different story. Fixed wireless networks work by transmitting the network signal in a direct line of sight between the tower and your home. Anything that interferes with that signal, such as seasonal downpours, can disrupt the signal and, therefore, your network connection.
For 5G home network services, rain is not a problem, e.g. AT&T Internet Air, T-Mobile Home Internet or Verizon 5G Home Internet Because unlike fixed wireless networks, 5G works by sending signals in all directions. Even if some signals are blocked or diverted by rain or snow, other signals are still sure to reach your devices and keep your network running, even though the signal may not be as strong.
Snow and ice are also less of a concern with 5G, since there are no external receivers. Fixed wireless service may require the installation of a dish or receiver (although typically much smaller than a satellite dish), which may accumulate freezing precipitation. Heaters and covers are harder to come by for fixed wireless devices, so you may need to manually remove any buildup if they interfere with your network connection.
What about cable, DSL and fiber?
Cable, DSL and fiber optic lines connect directly to your home, so they are not as susceptible to weather interference as wireless transmission methods such as satellite, fixed wireless and 5G. Rain, snow, and cloud cover will have no impact on your internet service, except in extreme cases where lines become damaged over time due to exposure.
The biggest threat to cable, DSL or fiber optic networks during severe weather is power outages. A power outage in your home can render your modem and router inoperable, meaning that even if you still have an internet signal at home, you won’t be able to use it unless your device has a battery backup.
If your provider loses power, you could be out of luck. Severe weather can disrupt a provider’s servers or the systems that provide the Internet, causing widespread outages. So even if there’s no power outage at your home, severe weather may still affect your internet connection. Worse, there’s not much you can do except wait for service to be restored.
Power surges may also interfere with cable or DSL Internet signals carried by highly conductive copper cables. The likelihood of this happening is higher with older DSL networks than with newer cable internet systems, but the risk is still relatively low for both service types.
How the weather affects your internet FAQs
Can I use weatherproofing spray on my satellite dish?
It is not recommended to use any type of chemical coating on a satellite dish, including weatherproofing or spray repellent, cooking sprays to prevent snow from adhering, or anything that is not suitable for use on a satellite dish. In addition to potentially damaging the surface of your petri dish, many sprays may attract dirt, dust, and pollen, making the surface more susceptible to snow or ice accumulation.
Do I need to clean my satellite dish?
Dishes usually don’t need to be washed except to maintain their appearance. As mentioned above, clearing dirt and other deposits from the plate may help prevent ice and snow from building up, but it usually won’t improve performance.
If you decide to clean your satellite dish, do so gently using a soft sponge and warm water. Avoid using any cleaning products other than mild dish soap, as harsh chemicals may damage the surface of your dishes. Ideally, you don’t want to use anything to clean your dishes that you won’t use to clean your TV screen.
Will extreme heat affect my internet service?
Like severe thunderstorms, extreme heat has relatively no impact on network signals, but may affect the systems carrying the signals. Increased energy demand during a heatwave can put additional stress on the grid, which could impact service at your home or somewhere along the way.