This mom’s 3 controversial rules for her adult children

Raising children to grow up to be confident, capable adults is hard work, and it doesn’t stop when they turn 18, especially if they’re still living at home.
Adult children can bring a whole new set of challenges that can be completely overwhelming for parents, but one mom is here to remind you that some things you just don’t have to care about.
Lori (@loriscowsandstuff) shared a video on TikTok explaining that there are things she doesn’t care about when it comes to her “adult” children, ages 22 and 24, who live at home with her.
“Some of this may be controversial,” she said.
The first one? She didn’t care when they moved out.
“As long as they do what they’re supposed to do, respect other people and work hard, they can live here forever. They can stay as long as they want,” Lowry said.
Next up: Kids can have their boyfriend or girlfriend come to the house and even spend the night—as long as they’re in a committed relationship.
“This is their home, and they can invite anyone over at any time, and of course, within reason, they can have friends, boyfriends, girlfriends over for dinner at any time,” Lori explained. “If the kids want to invite their friends over, I’m always ready to invite more people over for dinner.”
Eventually, she stopped charging her children rent. They paid car insurance, and for Lori, that was enough.
“If they didn’t work hard, save money, and try to do all the right things, I might reconsider this. But right now, I don’t have them paying any rent. I feel like the little bit of insurance they pay is at least some liability. ,” she said.
Commenters expressed their support for Lori’s parenting philosophy, particularly in allowing her children to live with her for free.
“I’m glad the stigma is changing, even though it’s because everything is too expensive. I live with my kids and family and it’s great for all of us,” one user said.
“We did that and he left when he was 29 and bought his own house… only 2 miles away… It was the best thing we ever did, he saved up and made a big down payment. ,” said another.
Lowry’s video even received a celebrity endorsement from Rosie O’Donnell, who commented: “Sounds good to me.”
However, there is some backlash, especially about allowing significant others to spend the night.
“My 21-year-old son pays me $300 a month. He pays his own car insurance and his girlfriend can’t sleep over! I’m 48 and I don’t have sleepover habits!” one user commented.
Hey, your house, your rules. But if I had a choice, I would choose Lori’s house!