Parenting & Family

Why are my eyelashes falling out? Derm explains possible causes

Hair loss is just another wonderful milestone in the aging process (except for chin hair, which seems to increase every year because life is unfair). Along with thinning around your temples, you may notice that your eyelashes are also falling out more than usual. If you find yourself asking, “Why are my eyelashes suddenly falling out?”, just know that this is probably a completely normal batch of hairs, and more will grow back when the time comes. Or, there could be some other reason, such as expired mascara.

Why did my eyelashes suddenly fall out?

First of all, it’s completely normal for your eyelashes to fall out from time to time. They are hair after all, so they must fall out at some point and allow new growth. “Just like normal hair, it is normal for eyelashes to fall out and regrow periodically. Eyelashes go through the same growth stages as normal hair, including anagen, transition and resting phases, with the entire cycle lasting from 3 to 11 months.

Kim adds that it’s normal to lose some eyelashes every day, and she says the same causes of thinning hair on your scalp can also be responsible for eyelash loss (hi, aging). Then there’s the medical term for the rapid loss of eyelashes or eyebrows. This is often caused by lifestyle choices such as makeup and eyelash enhancements, and in rare cases by medical conditions.

“Motor disease can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some of the more common causes include friction and friction when removing makeup, and the use of eyelash extensions, which can cause eyelashes to tear. Anything that can irritate the eyelashes, including using certain eye products or Using expired cosmetics can lead to bacterial overgrowth and increased eyelash loss,” says Kim.

King noted that some nutritional deficiencies, such as low protein, may lead to hair and eyelash loss. Hormonal fluctuations, thyroid disease, and blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids) may also be culprits.

Can fallen eyelashes grow back?

You don’t have to worry too much about a clump of eyelashes falling out. King explained that new products will soon replace them.

“After completing their life cycle, eyelashes will fall out and new hair follicles will begin to grow in their place. Eyelashes will typically grow back to their original length within four to ten weeks. In most cases, eyelash loss is not due to natural causes Yes, as long as the cause is treated, the eyelashes will eventually grow back,” she said.

If you’ve ruled out all the common causes of eyelash loss and tried some easier fixes (like replacing old mascara), it’s time to talk to your doctor if you’re really worried. Just don’t be too quick to think there’s anything wrong.

“It’s important to first try to rule out common causes of eyelash loss before self-diagnosing yourself with a more serious condition. If you experience eyelash loss on both eyelids or other areas of hair loss, or other skin changes or systemic symptoms, this may be a sign that It’s time to get evaluated by a doctor,” Kim said.

So, in most cases, your eyelashes just fall out because, well, that’s what they’re for. If you are experiencing other new health symptoms as well as hair loss in various areas of your body, you just need to give it some serious thought. Otherwise, you can blame aging, old makeup, or stress.

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