Why does indicator dereference sometimes crash?

Every program has some memory allocated in the form of stacks, stacks, static data, registers, etc. An error that occurs when a program attempts to access an unallocated memory location or a memory location that is not allowed to be accessed due to operating system protection is called a segmentation fault. These are common problems in C and C++ programming where core dumps occur, and checking for these errors can be a bit tedious.
Dereferencing a metric without initialization will almost always result in unpredictable behavior or a crash due to segmentation fault. When you declare a pointer (for example, int* p;), it points to an arbitrary location in memory. This means that it does not point to a valid object or memory area.
If you try to dereference the pointer (for example, *p = 42;), you are trying to access memory that the pointer does not point to. This may lead to different results:
- Crash: In many cases, a program will try to access a memory location that it is not authorized to access, causing a segmentation fault or access violation, which often results in the program crashing.
- No immediate crash: In some cases, a memory address may be valid but not allocated for your use, which may lead to unpredictable behavior, such as overwriting important data or causing other parts of the program to behave incorrectly.
- Subtle errors: In rare cases, if the memory happens to be writable and does not cause an immediate failure, the program may continue to run, but may corrupt data and cause hard-to-track errors.
Solution: First allocate memory to an object. How you should allocate depends on how you plan to use the object. An easy way to allocate objects is to use automatic variables:
int main() {
int object;
int* pointer = &object; // You can assign a pointer to a specific address of an existing object
*Pointer=10; //Dereference is OK
When you declare a variable “int a”, memory is allocated because you tell the computer to allocate memory for the variable’s data. Therefore, if an int variable is declared in a method, its stacked frame will occupy an additional 4 bytes of memory. Always remember that it is important to allocate memory for the object, otherwise you will get a segfault when dereferencing the pointer.
int *a = new int; //memory allocation
*a = 10;
Delete one;
Also, let’s assume you do the following in a function.
member*m = new member();
In this case, the object is allocated on the stack memory, the pointer is allocated on the stack, and the pointer points to the object created on the stack memory.
Likewise, pointers are usually the size of words in the system. Therefore, on a 32-bit architecture, all indicators are 64-bit, and on a 64-bit architecture, all indicators are 64-bit. For example, on a 64-bit computer, the word size is 64 bits, and the pointer will crash if assigned to a 32-bit int (as shown below).
int copy_of_pointer = ptr;
Therefore, to ensure that your C++ code is portable, you must avoid unspecified behavior.
- Do not make any assumptions about data types other than those specified by the C++ standard. That is, char is at least 8 bits, short and int are at least 16 bits, and so on.
- Do not try to use indicator magic (converting between indicator types or storing indicators in integer types). Don’t use void*.
- Do not use unsigned char* to read the value representation of non-char objects.
- Be careful when performing operations that may overflow or underflow. Please consider carefully when performing shifting operations.
- Be careful when performing arithmetic operations on indicator types.
Hope this helps, thanks.
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