Teenage girl refuses to let mom use her cosmetics after misuse

A teenage daughter took to Reddit’s “Am I an Asshole” thread to ask if she had done something wrong after her mom got into an argument with her over makeup. The original poster (OP), 19, said she enjoyed helping her mother do makeup under supervision. However, based on some past experiences, she is reluctant to lend out her products. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop her mom, and the hits started to hit fans from there.
“Yesterday I (age 19) did makeup on my mom (age 56) just for fun. She ended up really liking how I covered her dark spots and asked what I used. I told her it was a color corrector I bought in Korea device,” the OP explained, then pointed out that her mom loved the look so much that she asked her daughter to explain how color correcting makeup works.
After her mom insisted that she use the same makeup tomorrow, OP agreed and asked if she could wake her up so she could be there to help her apply the product.
“I was really nervous about this because she has a history of using my makeup without asking me and 99% of the time she uses the products incorrectly and damages them. So, I told her I’d rather she Not using my product at all, but if she insists, having me there to make sure she doesn’t mess up the product I paid for,” she explained.
She added that she even considered hiding the color corrector before bed so her mom wouldn’t use it without her supervision anyway. Still, she decided to trust her and went to bed.
Unfortunately, that trust was quickly broken when she woke up the next morning to see her mom in my room looking through her products and learned that her mom had been using tinted makeup.
“I jumped up and looked at it and was amazed that she did everything I feared she would do. She didn’t know how much product to use, so she overused it and now has two huge craters in the product. She also It’s a mix of two colors from the product,” she explains.
“The green is supposed to counteract the redness, the peach color is supposed to counteract the dark spots—she blended the two together, so now the whole product is just an ugly, muddy mess.”
After asking her mother why she was deliberately going against her will, she was quickly dismissed and ordered to give her an equal share “quickly.” more Products before she heads out in the morning. Instead, OP kicked her out of the room. Her mom told her she was overreacting to the whole situation.
“I spent the whole morning crying in frustration. She didn’t fall asleep while I was putting her makeup on with the color corrector, she saw me using it and asked me to explain it. I’d never touched a green corrector, so Why should she mix them? she asked.
“Not to mention, couldn’t she see that the colors of the product were separate? You can see from the fact that I didn’t mix, I used this product intentionally not to mix the colors… so why would she think mixing them was a good idea?
she wants to know if she That’s the asshole here. Was her mother right? Is she overreacting to this whole thing?
Several Reddit users weighed in, sharing their thoughts on the teenage daughter’s plight.
“NTA. She needs to pay you back for everything she destroyed (because it sounds like she doesn’t know what to buy to replace it) and unfortunately you have to put all the makeup in a bag and put In your bag. Room or somewhere she can’t find it,” one user said, while suggesting a peaceful resolution.
“It might be helpful to go to a beauty store together and have the staff there explain and demonstrate the tint to her, and if she likes it, she can buy one for herself with her own money. Maybe from another adult (not her daughter) Would it be better to hear the proper way to use a product like this?
Another person chimed in: “Going to the beauty store isn’t going to help. OP’s mom intentionally ruined products because OP had the audacity to tell her not to.
Regardless, the mother had no right to her daughter’s items, especially an older daughter who apparently purchased all of these products herself. Clear boundaries need to be set between OP and her mom, otherwise sadly this will continue to happen.
Read the entire Reddit thread here.