DIY & Home Improvement

Nancy Oregon Garden in Autumn


Today we’ll visit Nancy Sarpola in Corvallis, Oregon and dive into another incredible fall garden. Nancy has submitted her gardens several times over the years (December in the Oregon Garden, Garden Review, Nancy’s Hillside Garden in Oregon, A Year in the Oregon Garden, etc.) and she always Have something new and exciting to share. From unusual wonders to a variety of wonderful garden classics, every gardener will find something noteworthy in her bed.

Hello from Oregon, here are 10 photos taken in September, October, and November in Section 8b of Corvallis Gardens, Oregon.

As you enter the gate, the view of the mountains, highlighted by the blooming red sage on the right this time of year.

Border Garden Beds for Early AutumnThe second walk across the lawn was taken on September 2nd. It features variegated ‘Norah Leigh’ phlox (PhloxNorah Leigh, Districts 4-8) Front and center.

Light blue foliage plants paired with two other plantshoney bush (Large fragrant plum blossom8-11 zones), chocolate universe (Heme CosmosDistrict 7-11) and pink flowering sedums (listed from top to bottom).

Spires of bright orange flowersExotic ginger lily ‘Tara’ (safflower ginger flowerTara’, Districts 7-11), 6-foot-tall ginger with 10-inch-tall flower spikes.

Cherry tree with orange leaves in autumnOur Yoshino Sakura Tree (Prunus × Jiang Zelanregions 5–8) The weather turned bright orange on November 7th. Western Oregon, but the fall colors are wonderful when the sun comes out!

Bush with dark blue berries Relative of hydrangea, Chinese quinine or blue evergreen hydrangea (Capsellazones 8-10). It has blue flowers in the summer, but the most amazing season is in the fall when these deep blue berries form.

Close-up of pale pink clematis flowers on vine “Freckles” winter-flowering clematis (Clematis “Freckles”, zones 7-9), It begins blooming in November and will bloom intermittently throughout the winter whenever the weather warms slightly.

Autumn garden with purple ornamental grass in the backgroundThe eighth is a vignette in the garden, including heavy metal switchgrass (Millet “Heavy Metal”, zones 4-9), Annual Perilla and ‘Carnival’ Sneezeweed (Helenium ‘Helbro’ areas 4-8).

Autumn blooming perennial with purple nodding flowersA stunning October-flowering perennial called the long-tubed morning glory (Loach variant vertical buszones 6-8). It looks like delicate sage but blooms well in most shades.

Pink ornamental grass in the sunFinally, there is pink grass (Capillary Mulanzones 6-10) In the afternoon sun.

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful garden with us again, Nancy! Over the years, your design and plant selections become more and more exciting, and there isn’t a season when your space lacks appeal.

Do you have a garden you’d like to share?

Have a photo to share? We’d love to visit your garden, a specific plant collection you like, or a wonderful garden you have the opportunity to visit!

To submit, please send 5-10 photos to [email protected] and some information about the plants in the photo and the location where the photo was taken. We’d love to hear about where you are, how long you’ve been gardening, successes you’re proud of, lessons you’ve learned from them, hopes for the future, favorite plants or interesting stories from your garden.

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