Black Ops 6 Squidward gaming event criticized for its $10 bonus track

While new store bundles, premium tracks for seasonal battle passes, and double premium BlackCell cosmetics are popping up all the time, there’s still plenty worth spending your money on. black ops 6 – and of course its free-to-play game Warzone. With the imminent black ops 6 squid game During the event, “The Final Hour” added another new way to make money with high-quality bonus tracks themed on Netflix’s popular works. Following pressure from community leaders, Activision has now revealed the price of its premium Squid Game event pass, and while the figure isn’t as dire as many feared, it’s the same price as the seasonal battle pass, which represents a more High value.
After weeks of teasers, full details of the new Squidward gameplay event in Black Ops 6 have now been revealed. With multiplayer modes themed around the series’ death challenges, red light and green light twists in Zombies, and custom challenges in Warzone matches, there’s a lot going on in this connected game. There are also a large number of Squid Game-themed package combinations in the FPS game store.
One of the biggest draws, though, is the event pass, which nets you a new melee weapon called the Cleaver, operator skins, and more. Typically, in seasonal events like this, all rewards can be unlocked for free through the game – whether completing the challenge individually or as a community. However, the Squidward Gaming event includes a premium bonus track that locks in new operators, weapon blueprints, and more for an additional fee.
When a new blog post about the event first went live today, there was no mention of how much the premium track would cost. However, after some pressure from Call of Duty fans, it was updated. Activision Blizzard has confirmed that the Black Ops 6 Squid Game Premium Event Pass will cost 1,100 COD Points and is worth $9.99/£8.39.
This is the same price as the Seasonal Premium Battle Pass, which includes more rewards, gives you the chance to earn back the COD Points you spend, and gives you longer to complete it all. The image below shows some of the premium Squid Game rewards, and while I’m not 100% sure if this is actually all the rewards on offer or if you can get more, it’s safe to say it’s just not as good as the seasonal battle pass valuable.
For Squid Game fans, there are at least some cool contestant skins to unlock for free, and the price for the Premium Pass isn’t astronomical – I’m seriously worried it’ll cost more than that. But it does feel a little disappointing that the Mini Battle Pass is essentially the same price as the full-sized Battle Pass, and doesn’t seem to reward you with any COD points to earn. The event only lasts three weeks, so hopefully progression is generous – struggling to unlock all the rewards you’ve paid for will be another big drawback.
This new monetization method has already attracted some criticism, and given that the price for the Premium Pass wasn’t initially announced, I suspect Activision Blizzard is expecting some backlash. Two of Call of Duty’s largest community accounts, “CharlieIntel” and “ModernWarzone,” both expressed dissatisfaction with a joint post that highlighted Black Ops 6’s current monetization and the game’s continued anti-cheating efforts. problems.
The Squid Game event in Black Ops 6 and Warzone goes live on Friday, January 3rd at 10am PT/1pm ET/6pm GMT, and on the same Friday, January 24th Time is over.
For more information, why not look forward to the Black Ops 6 Season 2 release date, which should be revealed shortly after the Squid Game event ends. Alternatively, you can play some of the other epic multiplayer games below right now.
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