Numbers in Dreams – Listing of Dream Number Mean


Numbers in Dreams

If a particular number is prominent in a dream, it may be worth considering its significance and symbolic meaning in terms of the ancient traditions of numerology.

“1” digit in dream

The number One is the number of communication, versatility, and reason. It may also refer to the self. Examine your own views, and see that they are communicated to the people around you.

“2” digit in dream

The number Two signifies diligence, care, and perfectionism. This may make you unpopular with other, less meticulous people, but the dream may be suggesting that you should take more care.

“3”  digit in dream

The number Three suggests not only diplomacy and sensitivity, but also indecision. A dream involving this number may be prompting you to make up your mind about something in waking life.

“4”  digit in dream

Determination, force, passion, being obsessive and possibly jealousy are the emotions traditionally represented by the number Four. It is also an even number suggesting a good balance of emotion and feeling.

“5”  digit in dream

The number Five is traditionally representative of study and learning. It is also regarded as an optimistic number, and the number of justice.

“6”  digit in dream

Number Six signifies emotion, but rather than the passion of number four, it is a more sensual emotion directed at stability. The number Six was customarily represented in wedding dresses and wedding ceremonies, and suggested long-lasting relationships.

“7”  digit in dream

Individuality, freedom, and honesty are all represented by the number Seven. So too is tactlessness in the expression of feelings that may not be shared by less adventurous people.

“8”  digit in dream

Eight is a number that has traditionally been associated with hard work, ambition, patience, and practicality.

“9”  digit in dream

Nine is the number of inventiveness, originality, optimism, and independence of the mind. However, this particular number is sometimes turned to perversity and unpredictability.

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